Powder Coating Project
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Project 3 - Restoring a Radio Flyer Metal Wagon
The weeks feel like they are flying by, yet we are only on Project 3. I have had my eye on this Radio Flyer wagon ever since my business partner found it on the back of a junk peddlers truck. Poor guy had no idea what a treasure he had underneath the rust exterior. He was happy to part with it for only $15.00. It had been a long time since I played with a Radio Flyer, let alone seen one. So I went online to do some research to make sure I got the powder coating colors correct: Red, Black and White. Hah! I know some cars that have fewer colors than that. Just like the metal outdoor patio furniture set, the hardware basically crumbled as we took the wagon apart. On to the B.C.A. (Blast, Powder Coat, Assemble).
The metal was showing severe signs of fatigue and pitting. My sandblasting supplier recommended the use of glass media which turned out to be great advice. My staff was starting to get nostalgic, reminiscing about the downhill races and broken arms. Originally, I thought one of my nieces or nephews would enjoy having an original Radio Flyer! Then it occurred to me!. There is no plug, screen or wireless connection. What use would they have for something that wasn’t electronic and didn’t have an “i” in front of its name. The iWagon? I doubt it. My wife came up with a great idea. She thought it would look great as a planter and after she said that I really couldn’t envision it being used for any other purpose.
The powder coating process included two layers: a rust inhibiting primer and a UV weather-resistant top coat. At the end of the day it looked great (as you can see in the photo above), but there was no chance of me getting on one of these things again.
Next week, we take an Old Medical Cabinet, powder coat it with a different color and convert it to a Liquor Bottle Display and Bar.